Migrate Centera to ECS using ECS-SYNC Migration Tool
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What is ecs-sync?
ecs-sync is an open-source tool designed to migrate large amounts of data in parallel. This data can originate from many different sources.
Why use ecs-sync?
There are many reasons why you may need to migrate data. Tech refreshes, switching vendors, evacuating EOL racks. Maybe your application team is starting to embrace the object paradigm and wants existing files to become objects. Or perhaps you need to move sensitive data out of a public cloud. No matter the reason, ecs-sync can probably help. It was written specifically to move large amounts of data across the network while maintaining app association and metadata. With ecs-sync, you can copy an NFS export into an S3 bucket. You can migrate clips from Centera to ECS. You can even zip up an Atmos namespace folder into a local archive. There are many use-cases it supports.
What it Does
Using a set of plug-ins that can speak native protocols (file, S3, Atmos and CAS), ecs-sync queries the source system for objects using CLI-, XML- or IU-configured parameters. It then streams these objects and their metadata in parallel across the network, transforming/logging them through filters, and writes them to the target system, updating app/DB references on success. There are many configuration parameters that affect how it searches for objects and logs/transforms/updates references. See the Full CLI Syntax for more details on what options are available.
A Note on Support
ecs-sync is an open-source tool. As such, there is no commercial support for its use (any support provided on github is best-effort and community-based). If you plan on migrating your production data, you should consider a Dell Professional Services migration package. The Dell PS team have extensive knowledge of ecs-sync and a migration package comes with the full commercial support of Dell EMC engineering.